Tuesday, 16 January 2024

Lunch out.

I went out with Betty y'day, we didn't shop, we just had lunch. 

We both had macaroni cheese with a side salad and a cup of coffee.

We arrived home just as Steve was coming home with Beano. He was absolutely furious and was very rude to Betty, she was not impressed. He says he's not coming to lunch club today, to be honest I'm not sure why he ever comes to it as he never eats the food.

I need to walk Beano as soon as it's light, once that's done I need to go to Aldi to buy the cream for today's pudding.

I think Steve got so used to me never going out once I had to give up driving that he finds it hard to cope.

It's not as though I'm going out on the razz, y'day Betty and I went to a garden centre, looked around an antique centre and had macaroni cheese and a coffee each. Not exactly exciting living in the scheme of things is it. 

Steve goes out with Harry a couple of times a week and is often gone for most of the day. He also regularly goes in to town so he can start drinking at 10 a.m. instead of 2 p.m.

I'll keep buggering on but at some point it will come to a head I'm sure. In the mean time, I'm building up my savings!


Anonymous said...

The last comment on your post was encouraging, in the mean time as you say keep on buggering on! It is good to hear that you now have a social life outside of the four walls of your marriage, just enjoy and emphasise to hubby that he goes out more times than you do. Jan in Castle Gresley 🙏

Eleanor said...

Good for you getting out and about. It must be very stressful for you living with a man like Steve. Good idea to start saving when you can.

Ellen D. said...

How nice that you had a bit of time away with your friend. It's good for you to that. Also good to be saving your money so you are ready for whatever comes next. Wishing you happiness and peace!

Anonymous said...

Always good to have an escape fund. Enjoy your outings and ignore his ranting. Take care. Pollie

Catriona said...

Glad you have a contingency fund for when you have had enough. Nice to have a meal out and enjoy time with Betty. Catriona

Unknown said...

I hope you continue to go out and about. Everyone needs an outlet of some type.
Steve would not do anything mean to Beano would he? I just love that little dog, since my Scotty passed away I like seeing other dogs.
Good job on the savings, do what you have to do.

Col said...

Steve will either get used to you having a social life, or he won't, but whatever he decides shouldn't stop you enjoying yourself!
Does Betty get cross with him when he's rude to her? It would be easier for her to 'have a go back' to him than for you to try to make him realise how rude he can be, she doesn't have to live with him!
Get as much in your escape fund as you can without Steve noticing, but I'd suggest a new bank account that he has no knowledge of. Perhaps one of your daughters can have your statements etc delivered to their address?
All husbands get on our nerves at one time or another, but Steve is a master of the craft! X

flis said...

Sorry to be so crude - but I'm afraid I'd be thinking tough s**t to him - Enough is enough - Do as you please - he does x

Anonymous said...

Well done you ,keep going out and enjoying being with your friends,Betty sounds like a real gem. Get a bank account for your escape fund with a paperless statement so he can't find it by accident and don't let him know you have it, hide the card somewhere that you know he won't ever look - not in your undies draw it would be the first place most men check,just somewhere where he's never likely to look or hasn't checked before. I love that you are gaining confidence and finding some positives & joy in your life and you have a plan if it all goes tits up,good on you keep moving forward we're all rooting for you, love Carrie x

Sharon in Surrey said...

Good for you for planning for escape. That nest egg may save your life.

Anonymous said...

Good for you honey!
Get as much money tucked away as you can.
Your a human being not Steve's whipping boy.
Just listening to you talk about how he treats you hurts my heart. You deserve better.
Now you have made a friend he can't stand it.
I know he's your husband but he has no respect or love for you . You don't treat someone you love the way your treated.
Take care of yourself .

Anonymous said...

Please stop making excuses for why it's ok to be treated like garbage by Steve.

jane in au said...

The outing you had sounds lovely its a normal thing to do gives you feel good vibes and how dreadful to come home to that...somehow these types have a way of making it all about them usually by doing what he did, the focus goes from your nice day to this sh@t,as your savings build up so will the confidence in yourself because you will be focusing more on yourself and your own thoughts :) jane in au

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...