Friday, 26 January 2024

8 o'clock

It's 8 o'clock and the flat is still filled with the smell of BBQ sauce.

As usual Steve had ribs, chicken wings and chicken drumsticks all smothered in BBQ sauce.

This is his usual evening meal, five or six nights a week. He ate around 5 ish but the smell still lingers.

I never really get rid of the smell even though I open the windows once he's gone to bed and again in the morning when I get up.

I'm assuming the smell has worked it way into the fabric of the flat by now.I

I've tried febreze as well, but nothing really helps.

This food is washed down with umpteen cans of Fosters, so he burps almost non-stop. It's all joy living with Steve!


Ellen D. said...

There are some helpful hints online for removing odor in a home.
I don't mind the smell of bbq sauce but I am sure you are tired of it. Can you afford your own place?

Chris said...

I have read that a citrus or lemon spray will do the trick.

Carole R said...

Oh how revolting! Could you spray white vinegar around it helps to degrease and cleans too. Buy a pot with a hyacinth or two in, once they flower their lovely smell will mask the horrid smell. You are such a star to put up with this bad behaviour.

Anonymous said...

I light a scented candle if I cook anything with strong smells,it does help to absorb things like smoked fish and curry which are pretty strong. I've found a vanilla is good as it's not overpowering like the floral aromas can be it doesn't make my eyes water or set my asthma off. Another thing that works I found by accident is baking a cake or some bread, but I know you can't do that every day. I hope you find a solution, love Carrie x

Pudge450 said...

Simmer a pan of water with a few whole cloves and some orange extract.

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...