Thursday, 25 January 2024

Lunch out again.

And again tomorrow!

Betty and I went to yet another garden centre for lunch today, a jacket potato, mine with coronation chicken Betty had prawns in a Marie Rose sauce. We both had a pot of tea as well.

Harry has announced that he's joining Betty and I when we go out for lunch, I think not. For one thing Betty and I want to chat, we don't want Harry chipping in. These trips out with Betty are my lifeline, my chance to get out and have a break from Steve. I'm sure Steve would be most upset if Harry joined us and he wasn't invited. Next week Betty and I are not going out on Tuesday as Betty is busy. I can see that I'm going to have to speak to Harry and explain that we don't want him to come with us.

Betty needs a new kindle so I ordered it on my account as I don't pay for delivery.

Tomorrow I'm going out with my daughter and one of my granddaughters for lunch.

What a gadabout I am!


Sue in Suffolk said...

It's so good to hear you are getting out and about. Enjoy it. and don't tell Harry - just go!

Anonymous said...

Go for it girl. Pollie

Catriona said...

So glad to hear that you and Betty had another outing. Enjoy your lunch out with your family too. Catriona

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful turnabout for you, thanx to Betty you now have time away from home, just enjoy.. Jan in Castle Gresley

Eleanor said...

So pleased you are enjoying a bit of a social life!

Bettina Groh said...

Hooray for your "newish" social life!!

flis said...

I would say "for ladies only"- "ladies who lunch" and grin at him x

Corinne said...

Or else you let him come and only talk about very embarrassing things (for older gentlemen!)
I agree, it's the ladies' lunch club!

Ruta M. said...

Tell Harry you need to talk about 'women's stuff'. He might not be so keen then.

Rambler said...

Wonderful news! I hope you can steer Harry (and Steve!) away from your 'Ladies who Lunch' outings; you really don't need the men bustling in. They have their own get-togethers where they can drink beer and eat greasy foods. So pleased to know that you have a good friend in Betty and the chance to relax in her company while you put the world to rights.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that a stranger on the internet has a little bit of joy in their life and it's making me punch the sky? So pleased you have a friend in Betty, she sounds like a real treasure. And Harry can just bugger off right? Michelle :)

jane in au said...

yes its just a girls only outing Harry

sandy said...

You deserve a break, just enjoy it and have fun (Sandy)

Poppy and Me said...

great to hear you have a friend in Betty. so good for you to have a social life without out any overbearing men.Val

Anonymous said...

I strongly suspect if Betty is half the woman I think she is Steve's little tantrum last week where he shouted at her has made her all the more determined to ensure you have time away from him! Hooray for Betty...she's one to treasure. I for one am enjoying hearing about your blossoming friendship with her and hope it continues to be long an fruitful.

I also suspect that Steve has possibly put Harry up to trying to butt in on your outings so he has a spy in the camp...definitely say it's a hard NO and make sure Betty backs your stance.

I'm so glad to hear that you're getting some respite from your home situation...even if only for a couple of hours a week. xx

Anonymous said...

so glad you're sticking to your guns and getting out and about with a good friend, enjoy yourself at every opportunity, love Carrie x

Karla said...

I am so glad to hear you're getting out! Being with other women is lifeblood for me. Sorry, no men invited, they can make their own damn friends! For many years, I have been rethinking this whole "married for life, for better for worse" crap that women are sold, and it seems to me that it benefits men far more than women. We become saddled with caring for them later in life as we tend to stay healthier much longer than they do. And it's because we take better care of ourselves AND we have a posse of loving women around us. I see a world where groups of women live in their own tiny houses on parcels of land, happily supporting each other.

Ellen D. said...

Yes, just tell Harry "ladies only lunches"! Sounds like Betty needs to get out also! I'm glad you are enjoying yourself for a change. Keep it up. :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to your GD
My daughter passed her driving test yesterday and is so pleased
Mary x

Anonymous said...

Just say no to Harry, it's women only and you want to talk about women's issues, you're allowed! have fun, love Carrie x

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...