Friday, 5 April 2024

Peace and quiet.

Steve's gone in to town so I've had a peaceful day, I'm not expecting him back until 6 ish.

One of the residents is going for fish and chips tonight, I had money on me when it was discussed so I was able to be included.

I need to get some more cash out the bank soon.

Life is quiet and boring again now, Betty's bowls club has restarted so there will be very few trips out, if any. Nemmind it was lovely while it lasted.


sweet blondie blue eyes said...

Did you get your new wardrobe?

Anonymous said...

Good that you got included for fish n chips. Keep getting out. Gigi

Anonymous said...

Betty's bowling season will end eventually and you gals can hit the town again - well maybe the garden centre :)

Jaccs said...

@sweet blondie eyes will you come back to blog? I miss your posts.
Sue I hope the bowls season is not to long, can you go along sometimes? Just to support her, help make teas etc!!

linda said...

I agree with Jaccs.



Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...