Sunday, 7 April 2024

Tip run.

Harry has taken Steve to the tip, Harry had a shower tray to dispose of and Steve has taken my old wardrobe.

They will then go to Morrison's for breakfast.

I need to make an appointment at the vet for Beano, to get his dew claws trimmed, they are very overgrown. I've asked Harry if he'd be able to give me a lift a and he has agreed.

It's chilly and breezy here, Beano has had two walks, during both of which, we were blown along the road.


Anonymous said...

Have you had your new wardrobe yet?

Anonymous said...

I saw the first few words and thought your non-medical troubles were over!! Pollie

JacquieB said...

Ifor only I lived near you I'd trim Beano's dew claws; with proper clippers it's such a simple job. Do hope the vet doesn't charge you some exorbitant price.

Sod's law.

I keep a blanket on my sofa, I feel the cold more than Steve, so he wears a tee shirt and rather than have the heating up high I snuggle up ...