Monday, 17 March 2025

Economy drive.

Yesterday Steve decided to turn the storage heater in the living room off, it's the only heater in the flat!

He also turned off two of the the hot water cylinders, I had a shower first thing this morning, our shower runs off yet another water heater.

We had a heated but brief discussion when Steve got up this morning and the water cylinders and storage heater were turned back on!


flis said...

Sometimes enough is - ENOUGH ! x

Nelliegrace said...

It is not very warm out and the wind was bitter. I pegged the washing out and got thoroughly chilled and unwell to save a few pennies tumble drying the bedding. Spring won’t be long now.

Rambler said...

Somehow Steve has to understand that he cannot turn heaters and the hot water off without consulting you. Either that or have a carpenter come and box in the controls and only you have a key to access them. Oh dear, it's hard to live like this, isn't it? xx

busybusybeejay said...

How do you put up with this? said...

You go girl!

JacquieB said...

Well done

Sue said...

I'm surprised that you managed a 'heated discussion' ... you must have been freezing!!

Economy drive.

Yesterday Steve decided to turn the storage heater in the living room off, it's the only heater in the flat! He also turned off two of t...