Monday, 9 January 2017

I don't like bloodshed before breakfast

So I bought some split bagels, I can't be doing with wielding a sharp knife at sparrows fart in the morning.


justjill said...

You do make me laugh. x

e said...

I'm chuckling here, and remembering a time when I did cut myself trying to slice a bagel...Too right. Enjoy your bagel and your day!

Sharon said...


galant said...

I've had these split bagels before - and split fingers! - but they tend to dry out very quickly (the bagels, not the fingers!) even in the freezer, have no idea why, but they just do.
I love a toasted bagel with Philadelphia with chives and them filled with chopped watercress (not the bagged, chopped-up watercress or those mixed bags of all kinds of so-called 'salad leaves' which look as if someone has weeded the garden and flung the results into a bag, but proper watercress - I buy John Hurd's watercress available in Waitrose (when in season); it's lovely and peppery as it should be). But you're right, it's so easy to cut a slice of finger as well as bagel.
Margaret P

Sue in Suffolk said...

I'm safe...........never eaten a bagel in my life!

Anonymous said...

I just can't be doing with mornings. :(


Hard up Hester said...

My bagels don't get chance to dry out I'm taking one a day to work for breakfast, I toast them, spread them with hummus and cranberry sauce and pop them in a bag ready for work.
W, I'd rather not do mornings either, but needs must.

Lyssa Medana said...

You do what you need to do to get through mornings. x

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...