Sunday, 22 January 2017

Rib sticking soup

I've made two storecupboard dishes today
Lentil Dahl and Rib sticking soup, I had everything to hand so no shopping needed

Lentil Dahl
400g red lentils Cook these in plenty of water.
2 tsps turmeric
Melt a knob of butter in a pan, add 2 tsps cumin,
1 small onion, finely chopped, 2-3 tsp of lazy garlic or puree, 1-2 tsp lazy ginger, 1-2 fresh green chillies, finely sliced, I had these in the freezer from some we grew this summer. 1 tsp garam masala, 1 tsp ground coriander. Add half a tin of tomatoes
When the lentils are cooked, they need to be sort of porridge consistency, add the fried mixture and stir thoroughly, serve with rice or naan.

Rib sticking soup.

I made the soup in my pressure cooker, using a handful of cooking bacon chopped small, I fried the bacon, added a sliced onion, carrot and potato, then I added a tin and a half of tomatoes, a squirt of tomato puree, some garlic, mixed herbs. Next add 1 or 2 pints of water, large handful of lentils and a handful of pearl barley, if you add a few strands of spaghetti you can call this minestrone soup.
Bring to the boil, simmer until lentils and barley are cooked.
This soup can be made with any veg you need to use up, I've used cabbage and squash before. You can use just tomato puree and add baked beans, or add dried soup mix instead of lentils and barley.


galant said...

Love the sound of these recipes, esp. the rib sticking soup! Just what we need this very cold weather!
Margaret P

Lyssa Medana said...

I'm stealing the rib sticking soup for tomorrow's dinner! Thank you x

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...