Monday, 16 January 2017

That & this

Susan Foster, thank you, that is very kind of you, I don't need any 5 inch charm squares, I just want some, there is a difference and I must learn that.

I gave all my quilting stash to a lady who quilts for Project Linus, when I emptied my craft room.

I kept a lot of yarn and I was wondering about donating some of my crochet blankets to Project Linus but my local branch only accepts quilts, oh well.

I do so love having a useful son, I phoned him today as my car was making a funny noise, he came to have a look. 'That's the exhaust he said', and then proceeded to tell me exactly what to say to the garage when I take it in.


Sol said...

could you donate to the premature babies at the hospital? I think they take blankets

Sharon said...

It's a shame they they only accept quilts. Crocheted blankets are so warm and comfy! My MIL made us some and we really like them. Middle son likes them as they don't 'bother' him.

50 and counting said...

Nursing homes love gifts of crochet blankets.

The hospital auxillary where I work, takes crochet or knit blankets and gives them as Christmas gifts to all the inpatients on December 25

kelley said...

I wish I could crochet...many folks are making fidget miffed an d pillows for dementia and other people...I stitch mine and they are well received....

Debbie in the U.P. said...

I like useful children, too!

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...