Monday, 30 January 2017

Very excited granddaughters

We took Norah out for a meal on Friday as it was her birthday, she couldn't stay the night afterwards as I was babysitting her and her siblings, mummy and daddy were going out.

On Saturday morning I had Norah 9, Eileen 6 and Suzy 2 here whilst their daddy was coaching their big brother's football team.

As usual we made cakes, great fun with a 2yo involved! Eileen asked if I had bought any more sprinkles as last week she'd been a bit disappointed with my supply.

Imagine her excitement and that of her sisters, when I produced 10, yes 10 new tubs of sprinkles, everything from multi-coloured sour sprinkles to rabbit and carrot ones.

I explained that a very kind person called Floss had sent them to me after reading about how disappointed she'd been last week. Eileen immediately wanted to hug Floss for her kindness.

We made 2 dozen sprinkle cakes, iced them and used a few of every different sprinkle that was sent as they couldn't agree on which to use.

Thank you, your kindness made three little girls extremely happy. 


thrift deluxe said...

That's such a kind and lovely thing to do.

galant said...

That is such a lovely thing to do!
Margaret P

kelley said...

thanks to Floss for making everyone's day! my sister is always baking with her grands...they love the sprinkles too

e said...

What a lovely thing to do, and it is something your granddaughters will remember.

Floss said...

You & the girls are very welcome, and please tell Eileen "thank you for my hug"!

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...