Monday, 2 January 2017

Prepping and cooking

Back to work tomorrow and I want to get a few packups made ready.
Depending on what shift my L&M is on he sometimes needs a cooked meal to take to work with him, he doesn't feel like eating after 10 at night when he gets home.
So I have some cottage pies made and some cauliflower cheese, next I'm going to make banana bread, once it's cool I'll cut it and freeze it so I can take a piece in each day.
I will also make some sausage rolls and cheese palms and a batch of soup.


Margie from Toronto said...

I've already made a big pot of mushroom barley soup (and still have the turkey carcass in the freezer to turn into broth), I'm going to make a big batch of curried chicken tonight (some will go into the freezer) and I've got some baking planned for later in the week (and I think a banana loaf in on the agenda for me too)!

Sheila said...

I'm loving getting back to everyday cooking and making enough to squirrel away in the freezer.
Happy New Year Hester-x-

galant said...

I make banana and walnut bread, once the bananas are nice and brown. Sadly, we've no walnuts from our tree this year, the squirrels had the lot. Made a sausage, apple and cider casserole today (in which there were also leeks, celery and carrots) and which is sufficient for two meals for two of us. Lovely with new potatoes and purple sprouting broccoli. One small chicken will give us three meals (i.e. 6 portions), the first meal roast chicken and then two meals of chicken curry.
Margaret P

TrishWish said...

Yum Yum. I am concentrating on soups for lunches.

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...