Friday, 6 January 2017

At peace

Just a brief post, I had a phone call at 8pm, my great niece Jessica died earlier today, the leukaemia returned and she had a brain tumour, she died on the operating table during surgery. She fought bravely for the last four years, she was six years old.


Anonymous said...

Oh Hester I am so sorry, rest in peace little one

Marie xx

Clare said...

I'm so sorry Hester, sleep peacefully Jessica xx

Clare said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Frugal in Bucks said...

Aah no, what an awful thing to happen. So sorry. Sending love. X

e said...

I am sorry for your loss. Sending hugs.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear your of your loss. Too young, too soon . Thinking of you all.

Sooze said...

So sorry for your family.

Sheila said...

How devastating. I am so very sorry for your loss.
Sleep tight little angel-x-

Anonymous said...

"Death leaves a heartache difficult to heal;
Love leaves sweet memories no one can steal."


Heleng said...

Sorry to hear your news, Hester. Such a sad loss. Love, Helen xx

Lyssa Medana said...

So sorry to hear that. Sending good vibes and hugs x

galant said...

I am so sorry to hear this, the dear girl, such a short life. My love and hugs.
Margaret P

Anonymous said...

Same age as my grand-daughter. So sorry. My thoughts are with you.

Joan (Wales)

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear this news. How sad for everyone in her life. Catriona

Jackie said...

So sorry for the families loss. Our children are not supposed to leave this earth before we do.

Darwin Girl said...

I'm so sorry. That's really tragic.

Jenni said...

Condolences to all your family xx

Chris West said...

No words just (((hugs)))

Margie from Toronto said...

So sorry to hear this sad news - condolences to you and to your extended family.

wenda j said...

I am so so very sorry. I'm feeling so bad for her parents, for you and all your family. There is just so many things wrong in this world when an innocent child is taken, denied a long full life.Hold onto the family love each each, keep the love close to your heart. Remember all the joy she brought,hold onto those memories tight. I've gone on too long,I'm sorry.

Winters End Rambler said...

It's a very sad world we live in more suffering for another little angel. x

Scarlet said...

Deepest and heartfelt condolences to all of you.

WitcHHazel said...

That's so very unfair, little mite. Hope she is at peace.

Joy said...

That is so wrong it hurts.
Love to all the family.

Rambler said...

Oh Hester, that's such awful news. Poor little soul, denied the chance of living life to the full. My deepest sympathies to all of you who are feeling her loss. May she rest in eternal peace, bless her.

Sharon said...

So sorry for your news. Sending hugs your way.

Linda Metcalf said...

Just heart breaking. So very sorry for your family. Peace be with you all.

Lorraine said...

So very sorry x

markdebby said...

Such sad news x

Kim @ Him, Him Me said...

So Sorry to hear the sad news.

Chris said...

Poor family, so sad.. Every Blessing to you all.

Debbie in the U.P. said...

This just breaks my heart; i'm so sorry….Prayers to the family.

Anonymous said...

I'm very sorry to hear that, rip Jessica
Nat x

thrift deluxe said...

Deepest condolences to you and your family.

obscure said...

Oh, I am so very sorry.

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...