Thursday, 12 January 2017

This and that.

We have snow, but not much and it hasn't pitched. We are in more danger of flooding than snow drifts.

I've sat with the DGC for an hour whilst DD & SIL went to parents evening.

I arrived at work today to find one of out teachers, Mr Randytwat, chatting up a new baby teacher, as I'm a bitch I asked Mr Randytwat how his daughter was getting on at nursery as he tries to give the impression he is single. He isn't, he's married with a toddler!

I did a small shop in Lidl today £18, tinned soup, longlife milk, bread, bockwurst, screenwash and a few other bits and pieces. We could withstand a siege of a month or two if we had to.

I have a yen to make a puff quilt, I keep looking at charm packs, I won't buy any but it's fun to look!


Miffy257 said...

Don't think you were being a bitch, just protecting a young teacher. Well done you, he deserves it. Love your name for him X

justjill said...

I agree with Mair. x

Joy said...

Honestly, who do these men think they are?

I've met a few who imagine that they are God's gift. They are usually pretty creepy.
Well done you for scuppering God's gift's evil intentions while appearing innocently interested in his home life. I like it.

Debbie in the U.P. said...

Ha! Same opinion as everyone else! My daughter's a teacher; I was always thrilled when i learned that someone had kept an eye on her. We're 1400 miles away.
As for the quilt; maybe you could find cloth at the thrifts, or buy clothes from the thrifts that would be suitable for using the fabric. I'm not sure what a puff quilt is….

Sharon said...

Nice intervention! I think it was nicely done and I'm sure she appreciated it.

Winters End Rambler said...

Awww you make me laugh...I hope he had the withal to be embarrassed. x

Sue in Suffolk said...

Good one!
When I first heard about Suffolk Puffs I assumed they were edible!

Rambler said...

I reckon a Puff Quilt would be an ideal pastime for the coming winter months. Imagine having the quilt draped across your knees, keeping you warm and cosy . . . You deserve a treat!

Sue Foster said...

Hester, I have quite a lot of 5" squares from past projects - if you let me know how many you need I'll send them to you, so long as you don't mind a scrappy quilt.

galant said...

I was once in our local shop behind a neighbour (who didn't see me there) and he was busily chatting up - or trying to - the young woman behind the counter, thinking himself a bit of a lad (he was by then retired and well into his 60s) and I thought "what a prat!" Some men are like that, they do think they're god's gift, don't they? Glad you sorted him out by a simple, casual remark, one well aimed though!
Margaret P

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...