Saturday, 25 August 2018

Makes me chuckle

There are a few local companies who have names that make me chuckle, we have:-

Drain and Able.

Jack in the Locks.

Pane in the Glass.

And yesterday I saw a van with Purdy Gates written on it, now is it really the name of the owner or is it a play on Pearly Gates.


Anonymous said...

Not a firm's name but a 'tag line' on some of their older vans - a combination of very local humour which appeals to Trekies so I'll give a brief explanation (which'll probably spoil it). It's only on the older vans: it looks as if as the firm grew in size they became more 'professional'.

Captain Courier operates in central Belfast. One of the suburbs of Belfast is Finaghy.

Their logo was 'Captain Courier ~ to Finaghy & beyond'.


Well, I liked it.


Col said...

My mum once worked with a woman with the maiden name Pearl Gates. Her middle name was 'E', nothing else, just 'E', so she was Pearl E Gates. Her parents must have had a sadistic streak!

There's a Dentist in a nearby town named Dr Payne, I kid you not!

A neighbour of ours is a woman who's just 4 feet 11 inches tall, she's Mrs Small, and many years ago I worked with a man named Sam Large, he was 6 feet 10 inches tall!

We saw a plasterers van once, in Perthshire, with the name 'Bonk' in huge letters on the side. I don't know if bonk means the same to you as it does up here, but I collapsed, giggling like a silly teenager. So 'sad' am I that I even took a photograph to show our son! This was in the days before digital photography had been invented, I wonder did the staff who developed the photograph have a smile at it? I do hope so!

From A Worcestershire Hill said...

I once saw a company name of Letcher and Scorer in Kingsbridge, Devon.

Anonymous said...

In Oxford there's a funeral directors called 'Reeves and Pain'! That always made me giggle a bit!


Anonymous said...

When I was serving our army PTI was called Martyn Payne.

Very appropriate it was too.

It's arrived.

Flis, the new fridge freezer has arrived, it's been sat in the kitchen waiting for the gas to settle. It's three hours now so I'...