Wednesday, 22 August 2018

Slightly pissed

Not me, the boat, the water levels are low so we are listing a bit. Not as badly as we were during the night, I got up to go to the toilet and slipped across the floor.

I have no energy, hence the lack of posts, maybe my potassium is low, I'm eating a banana every day and I have an avocado for my lunch today.

DD1 & 2 are camping together this week, so I hope the weather stays dry for them.


Jeannieuk said...

Maybe you’re lacklustre this week as you had to work so hard on all those locks and it’s caught up with you? Red wine might do you some good?

Hard up Hester said...

Maybe, I don't like wine so I'll settle for a G&T.

Jeannieuk said...

Me neither, so that’s 2 G & T,s ice and a slice? 🙂

crafty cat corner said...

We are also both out of energy, I wonder if its the weather, I hope so, I don't like it.

Anonymous said...

Take care H: i need your sense of humour to maintain a level of what passes for sanity in my case.

Chris said...

Agree with Anonymous - you often get me chuckling.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

I was rather hoping it was you and not the boat that was slightly pissed. I know what you can do sober.......say no more. You do make me laugh Hester, hope you feel better and full of vim & vigor soon

It's arrived.

Flis, the new fridge freezer has arrived, it's been sat in the kitchen waiting for the gas to settle. It's three hours now so I'...