Monday, 27 August 2018


I got up this morning to find the boat listing badly again, the water level had dropped 8 inches. It's so bad that I had to hold the kettle on the hob as otherwise it would just slide off.
After his first cuppa CHS got up and went straight into Corporal Jones mode, rushing about adjuring me not to panic. I wasn't, I don't.

So we had to move, such a shame as we were only one week into a 2 week mooring, if the water levels hadn't dropped we could have stayed another week. 

We are now on a 24 hour mooring so need to move tomorrow as well.

CHS is now nursing a panic induced headache and feeling very sorry for himself.


Sue in Suffolk said...

Hope someone hadn't left a lock gate open somewhere

Anonymous said...

Do you have to pay daily mooring fees?


The Weaver of Grass said...

I don't understand this mooring business - do you always have to keep moving on? This is too much like the gypsy life for me if so.

Hard up Hester said...

Sue, it is possible that a gate has been left open.
W, no we don't pay to moor.
Weaver, yes we do have to move constantly unless we get a residential mooring and they are as rare as hens teeth. Towpath mooring is strictly controlled with different parts having different time limits.

It's arrived.

Flis, the new fridge freezer has arrived, it's been sat in the kitchen waiting for the gas to settle. It's three hours now so I'...