Monday, 6 August 2018

A grumpy landlady

We moored in Sells Green at the weekend, we met up with friends and went to the Three Magpies for a meal.
The food was good but the landlady was extremely rude.
Unfortunately we had also arranged to meet another set of friends at the same pub on Sunday 5th.
The landlady was, if possible, even ruder.
Below is a copy of the email I sent to the brewery!

We visited The Three Magpies on Friday 3rd August, the food was good but the landlady's attitude was appalling, she was rude and abrupt. She brought food to the garden and was rude to people who didn't hear their name called.
She also snatched some advertisements out of my hand that I had been given by a nearby business. Unfortunately we had arranged to meet friends there again on Sunday, the landlady's attitude had not improved, we were moved from table to table as she couldn't decide where to place us. She seemed to feel this was our fault. We were treated as though we were an inconvenience rather than paying customers. Suffice it to say that we will not be visiting this establishment again!


Anonymous said...

If you've already decided not to visit there again why waste your time complaining?

justjill said...

I assume so that this sort of behaviour can be stopped otherwise the company will have more upset customers. I personally do not publish anonymous comments on my blog and your comment has convinced me I did the right thing.

Hard up Hester said...

I complained to make the brewery aware of the situation.

Jan said...

They need to see complaints or nothing will ever change! There's no excuse for that sort of poor customer service.

Chris said...

She must have been having a bad couple of days. If she is always like that there would be no customers.

crafty cat corner said...

She wants to be careful, I heard on the radio this morning that pubs are closing down all over the country. Don't blame you for complaining, we in uk don't do enough of it.

Pam M said...

Well done you for taking the time to complain! The brewery need to know about this.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

I agree, you must complain for all those people who follow in your footsteps. Rude ignorant people shouldn't be allowed to get away with it. If you choose to be in customer service, then you have to be polite and accomodating.

kelley said...

I agree with you for offering your complaint...too many people say why bother and never go back again...hope your words help set things right...also I go one step further and write to inform management of work done above and beyond...too few take the time to praise someone to their boss...

Hard up Hester said...

I always leave good reviews where I can which is why I feel I need to complain when necessary,
I also complain politely first to the people who are concerned, if I feel my complaint is falling on deaf ears I follow on with people higher up the food chain.

Col said...

It's odd that people who leave negative reviews on blogs are all cowards, hiding behind 'anonymous'! Sad little keyboard warriors!
I'm another one who will email a company if one of their staff has gone way above and beyond, if they deserve recognition I try to ensure they get it! But......woe betide any staff who are deliberately rude to me! I worked in customer service for almost forty years, and can state with absolute certainty that I was never, ever rude to a customer or client. Therefore I expect the same treatment now that I live 'on the other side of the desk'!
There's no excuse for bad manners, whether she's having a bad day or otherwise!

It's arrived.

Flis, the new fridge freezer has arrived, it's been sat in the kitchen waiting for the gas to settle. It's three hours now so I'...