Sunday, 5 August 2018

Burnt, bitten and stung

We met up with friends yesterday and took them on a boat trip, we went to the Barge Inn, Seend.

We sat in the garden and had a snack and a drink, it was busy but we managed to moor right beside the garden.

It was 3 locks and 2 swing bridges to get there and the same to get back, it was very hot.
We went through the locks going with a single hander, he was very grateful for the help with the locks.

There was a winding hole just before the last lock, the next one was through yet more locks and swing bridges, so we winded before the lock and reversed into the lock with the help of the single hander. He then lashed our boats together and towed us through the lock and bridge and untied us as we got level with a mooring space outside the pub.

I was extremely grateful as I really didn't fancy doing any more locks than absolutely necessary.

It was 28 degrees, I managed to get a sunburnt nose, stung by a wasp and bitten by mozzies, oh the joys of boat life.


The Weaver of Grass said...

Weather forecast for much cooler, fresher, windier and wetter by next weekend!

Margie from Toronto said...

Sounds exhausting! You certainly get your exercise when dealing with all those locks! Hope the weather cools down a bit for you.

crafty cat corner said...

I've always fancied living on a boat. We have some moored quite close to us and it always looks so romantic ( that's just me, lol)
Bit late in the day now, I don't think I'd have the strength required. lol

Rambler said...

If it wasn't for your final comment, that sounded like an idyllic day - taking friends out on your boat to have a convivial lunch at a riverside pub. Aaahhh Bliss! (But the final comment says different!)

It's arrived.

Flis, the new fridge freezer has arrived, it's been sat in the kitchen waiting for the gas to settle. It's three hours now so I'...