Monday 3 September 2018

Southern Wool Show

DD & I went to the Southern Wool Show on Saturday, it was held at Newbury Race Course which is not far from us.

It opened at 10 but I collected DD at 9 as she had some last minute shopping to do for when the children return to school.

We arrived at the show at 10:05 and the carpark was already filling up.

There were in excess of 50 stalls there so plenty to look at.

There were stalls covering knitting, weaving, crochet, spinning, felting & dyeing, so lots of choice.

DD bought a throw and some other bits and pieces, I was very restrained and bought just 4 skeins of yarn and a pattern for a shrug.

The show was well organised and very well attended, in fact by the time we left a about 1ish it was heaving.

We popped upstairs to the food court for a cup of tea at 11:30, we would have eaten there but found the food choices a bit disappointing, there seemed to be a choice between a pasty or a slice of cake. 
I feel a little more thought could have been given here, but maybe as they had a captive audience they didn't care.

I could happily have stayed longer browsing the stalls but the noise levels were affecting my hearing aids, I couldn't take them out as I wanted to talk to the stall holders.

I don't know how much it cost to stall out but the footfall was huge so I assume everyone was happy.

I dropped DD home and collected my bedding that she had washed for me, I returned to the boat clutching a black sack full of clean washing and poor CHS nearly had heart failure as he thought the bag was full of stuff I'd bought. 

I could see him wondering where the hell I was hoping to put it all! 


Margie from Toronto said...

Sounds like a lovely day out for you and your daughter - happy knitting/crocheting.

justjill said...

Ha ha! The black bag.....

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