Monday, 3 September 2018

Southern Wool Show

DD & I went to the Southern Wool Show on Saturday, it was held at Newbury Race Course which is not far from us.

It opened at 10 but I collected DD at 9 as she had some last minute shopping to do for when the children return to school.

We arrived at the show at 10:05 and the carpark was already filling up.

There were in excess of 50 stalls there so plenty to look at.

There were stalls covering knitting, weaving, crochet, spinning, felting & dyeing, so lots of choice.

DD bought a throw and some other bits and pieces, I was very restrained and bought just 4 skeins of yarn and a pattern for a shrug.

The show was well organised and very well attended, in fact by the time we left a about 1ish it was heaving.

We popped upstairs to the food court for a cup of tea at 11:30, we would have eaten there but found the food choices a bit disappointing, there seemed to be a choice between a pasty or a slice of cake. 
I feel a little more thought could have been given here, but maybe as they had a captive audience they didn't care.

I could happily have stayed longer browsing the stalls but the noise levels were affecting my hearing aids, I couldn't take them out as I wanted to talk to the stall holders.

I don't know how much it cost to stall out but the footfall was huge so I assume everyone was happy.

I dropped DD home and collected my bedding that she had washed for me, I returned to the boat clutching a black sack full of clean washing and poor CHS nearly had heart failure as he thought the bag was full of stuff I'd bought. 

I could see him wondering where the hell I was hoping to put it all! 


Margie from Toronto said...

Sounds like a lovely day out for you and your daughter - happy knitting/crocheting.

justjill said...

Ha ha! The black bag.....

It's arrived.

Flis, the new fridge freezer has arrived, it's been sat in the kitchen waiting for the gas to settle. It's three hours now so I'...