Saturday, 22 September 2018

Lethal combination

Novice boaters and strong gusty wind is a lethal combination.
Yesterday it was very windy, it was also return day for the hire boats, actually they had to be back at 9am this morning but most of them like to get within spitting distance the day before.
It was interesting watching them trying to get in the lock.
Narrowboats are buggers in strong wind, they are basically a 70ft sail with a mind of their own.
Most of the poor sods got their boats in sideways.

I got very little sleep last night, the water levels kept dropping.
I dropped off for an hour just after midnight but was woken up at 1:30 as the kitchen drawer flew open as there was another drop.
At 4 am it dropped again and all the stuff fell of the kitchen shelf.
We got up and spent a couple of hours poling the boat off until it was afloat.
We got to back to bed about 7:30 but I couldn't sleep as I couldn't get warm.
We moved the boat at about 10 this morning in the rain, I'm still cold and now I'm wet as well.


Living Alone in Your 60's said...

I hope your weekend improves soon.

Jeannieuk said...

Living aboard a boat seems such a romantic idyll to those who have never experienced it! May the water rise, may the OH improve, may you get warm and cosy and not have to move for a while. x

Chris said...

Keep thinking positive thoughts. Things can only improve!

It's arrived.

Flis, the new fridge freezer has arrived, it's been sat in the kitchen waiting for the gas to settle. It's three hours now so I'...