Thursday, 20 September 2018

Deep joy

My poor CHS has fallen at work, I collected him and drove him to our nearest MI unit.
The ankle is probably not broken and despite breaking his fall with his forehead he hasn't got concussion.
Getting him along the towpath and onto the boat was an interesting experience!!
He has to keep his leg elevated for 48 hours and if it's no better he must return to MI.
I now faced with moving the boat by myself or contacting CRT to see if we can overstay our time.
I am caring for dgd this morning she is now 4 and keeps asking 'how many am I now?'

I've finally got my Sloe gin going, I've made lots of elderberry cordial and I have hops drying around the curtain rails.


justjill said...

Fingers crossed he is ok.

Anonymous said...

Oh heavens above! Hope CHS makes a speedy recovery, I imagine he is not an easy patient. It seems to be ankle injury week - my sister has also crocked hers too.

Can one of the S-i-Ls or DDs help you move the boat?

Rambler said...

Oh I do hope they will be sympathetic to your circumstances and let you stay where you are until CHS is fit once again.
I also hope he won't be out of pocket while he's off work - was his fall logged in the accident book? His employers don't sound the caring sort, so if they don't compensate him - sue 'em!

Dc said...

Also hope you can stay. Do you need to ‘drug’ him to make him stay put:)

Bea said...

Hope he's soon recovered - and that you don't have to move. Hugs x

It's arrived.

Flis, the new fridge freezer has arrived, it's been sat in the kitchen waiting for the gas to settle. It's three hours now so I'...