Sunday, 16 September 2018


Due to staff illness CHS has had his working times altered. His shift pattern has changed yet again. He is now expected to work alternate Saturday's instead of one Saturday in three. He will no longer get Monday's off when he's worked a Saturday. Yes he will get paid for the extra hours but to add insult to injury he has been asked to take on some cleaning duties as the school is five cleaners short.
On top of this we had to move the boat on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
We are going to find it difficult to move the boat with CHS working so many extra hours. CHS should be working a 38 hour week, now he is expected to work between 43 and 51 hours a week.


Rambler said...

Oh that's not good, regarding moving the boat. I thought you usually knew how long you could stay in one place, then you could plan your moves in between CHS' working times. But as you had to move on 3 days running it seems there's always the unexpected moves. How will you manage with his new shifts?

Hard up Hester said...

It's going to be very difficult. We couldn't move as far as we wanted on Friday as CHS had to work late, this meant we had to move Saturday and Sunday to ensure we made it to our next mooring.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

I feel your pain. Life is not all about money, time is just as important especially as we get older.

Margie from Toronto said...

Just ridiculous - and as long as good workers like him keep picking up the pieces employers have no incentive to hire new people to take up some of the work. Hope you both manage things.

Elaine said...

I hope that it is a short term problem, sounds totally knackerising!! What has caused the shortage of cleaners - five seems quite a big number - have they been making extra demands of them, too?

Debdor said...

Let me guess, the co-worker who lives in permanent debt off is he? Does he work in a secondary school? We have paid sixth formers on the cleaning staff here...

It's arrived.

Flis, the new fridge freezer has arrived, it's been sat in the kitchen waiting for the gas to settle. It's three hours now so I'...