Friday, 21 December 2018

I'm surrounded by people talking bollocks

Every month I have to order CHS's medication online, every month the surgery get it wrong.
This morning I collected his script, checked it and pointed out a mistake.
Yet again the script was for 84 betahistine.
CHS takes 6 a day, there are around 30 days in most months therefore he needs 180.
I pointed this out to the receptionist who assured me that 84 was enough for 1 month, I explained the math again, 6 x 30 = 180 it took for goes before she grasped what I was saying.
'You need to put the quantity 180, on the request form' I assured her that I had.
She then suggested that I make a note of it in the comments section. I told her I had also done that.
' Oh well, you'll just have to order them fortnightly'.  
Because let's face I have fuck all else to do all day do I! Also fortnightly orders would still only give him 168 tablets, not the 184 needed.

We then went to the chemist to get the script filled whereupon a very officious pharmacy assistant inormed me I had ordered an item by the incorrect name. I had used a brand name that went out of fashion years ago. I explained that I had merely copied the names from the existing packets. She then launched into a loud and patronising explanation of how stupid I'd been to accept the item in the first place, eventually she asked me where I had obtained said item.
' Here' I replied, 'Last month'. Making sure my voice carried as far as hers had!


Anonymous said...

I think you need a job, you are turning into a grumpy old woman now you have so little to occupy you

lynda said...

I agree....I'm getting grumpy, too...the incompetence of people drives me absolutely nuts...time to go back to yoga.

Hard up Hester said...

No I don't need a job, I've always been a grumpy cow. What I need is for people to do their jobs correctly in the first place. This is the third time I done a prescription request and it's the third time they have got it wrong.

Joan (Devon) said...

I don't think you're grumpy, I think you don't suffer fools gladly which is right after the pharmacists attitude. I would do exactly the same, so good for you, I hope she had a red face.

justjill said...

I agree with Joan. You stand up for what is right and point out what is wrong. If you dont they will carry on getting it wrong. It pisses me off people not doing their jobs right and then trying to make out its your fault. No excuse. Keep on Hester.

myshabbychicvintagefrugallife said...

Tell me about it, Doctors blamed the chemist , The chemist blame the doctors , Every month this goes on,Fed up to the back teeth with it xxx

Hard up Hester said...

I have decided to email the practice manager not so much to complain but to point out that whoever is dealing with the request emails isn't reading the properly.

Lyssa Medana said...

I don't think you're grumpy. I think you're just expecting people to be adequate. The bar is low but they don't even make that. Sending good vibes and good wishes for a Good Yule!

Anonymous said...

Our pharmacies try really hard to "get it right" and treat customers properly. With all the things that are wrong with our private pay system, the competition among pharmacies means they want repeat customers. My husband was even greeted with "welcome back, Mr. Sweet" today.

I don't think you were grumpy, they were just rude employees. Ana USA

kelley said...

I feel your pain...everywhere you turn civility and respect are rare...when I run across a "normal person with common sense" I'm thrilled...

Anonymous said...

I agree. You were in the right and I have the same issue only with another set of meds. ‘I need to take 9 of these a day says I so 83 is not going to last me even a fortnightly!’ “And where do you get that idea?” Says the receptionist. Oh only from the consultants at the pain clinic don’t you read the letter and I have been asking you to get this right for 6 months!” Conversation got louder and louder verging on an argument before she read the letter in my file. “Ah....Oh......Sorry we will change the prescription now and as soon as the doctor is free i’ll Get her to sign it come back in an hr please,” and that is before I had to take it to the chemist!

Margie from Toronto said...

That is just disgraceful that they continue to make the same mistakes - what if your husband didn't have someone like you looking out for him? As for the whole math fiasco - don't even get me started!
Hang in there - hopefully 2019 will be better.

kate steeper said...

I feel your pain , every month we order what we need off his huge list , he doesnt need everything because as you have noticed they take no notice of what his actual dosages are. I go to pick it up and theres a carrier bag full of stuff hes not asked for . Mountains of the class A drug he uses , which is labelled use as and when , it can be anything from a couple of times a month to once a week that he has to use these, we probably have enough to exterminate a village by now, they insist every time that we must take them. The reason? theyre not allowed to keep them at the surgery so they have to go back on the Pharmacy van each night !! One tip do not pick them up till a few days after they say theyre available this gives them the chance to actually dispense the ones you asked for that they never have and avoids dragging the snooty article behind the counter over it .

Hard up Hester said...

Thanks Kate I'll remember your advice.

Eilidh said...

I know exactly what you are up against. A trainee GP in our practice decided to stop a long term drug my relative was on, because he wanted her to have a blood test to ensure all was well with it, before prescribing more. I explained to the receptionist that she would happily go for the test but he couldn't just stop the drug, as it was to prevent her rejecting a transplanted kidney. The young woman could not have cared less.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

My hubby has the same problem all the time. The latest trap from the docs was a prescription for lancers for his testing machine that aren't made anymore. 2 trips, numerous phone calls to get it right. I'm sure these people think hat over 60s don't have a life

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...