Thursday, 20 December 2018

Cheap food cheap to cook

We had jacket potatoes for tea, I double wrapped them in foil and put them on the coals in the stove.
There were two cooked sausages in the freezer so I sliced them up and added them to a pan with a third of a tin of beans in. I stood the pan on top of the stove, they were hot through by the time the potatoes were cooked. Cheap food cooked for free.
When I buy sausages I cook them all together and then freeze them in two's as this also saves on fuel.


Living Alone in Your 60's said...

Great idea for a simple tea.

Carol Caldwell said...

I always cook a pack of sausages and freeze them in two's too. If we have a cooked breakfast as an occasional treat the frozen sausages take the same amount of time in the oven as uncooked bacon so it makes the timing really easy.

TrishWish said...

Never thought of that trick will have to try it!

Walking the streets.

As I walk Beano three or four times a day I spent a lot of time walking the streets.  I only walk in daylight, I'm not afraid of walking...