Thursday, 6 December 2018

Who's that knocking at the door?

Well actually knocking on my window, you cannot get to our door without opening the cratch cover and it is considered bad manners to step on someone's boat without an invitation. 

During the summer it is usually the swans tapping on the window for breakfast.

Now we are in the marina, the jetty between us and next door's boat is about 3ft wide.
They have a very large friendly Dalmation dog called Marley, who has a very waggy tail.
He often knocks on my window as he waits to go out for his morning walk.
Marley reminds me of Spotty dog from the Wooden Tops. 
Now I'm showing my age!


Sue in Suffolk said...

The Wooden Tops was my favourite! A girl I worked with once could do a really good impression of spotty dog walking!

Elaine said...

The Wooden Tops were fun. Wish I had a Mrs Scrubbit to help me!

Lyssa Medana said...

I only faintly remember the wooden tops, but I remember the music! I love dogs who go mad with the wag! There are a lot worse things to have knocking on a window

myshabbychicvintagefrugallife said...

I remember the woodentops, candlewick green and bill and ben lol xx

Catsngrams said...

Being on a boat and having a knocking on my window would really concern me but you are docked so no fear. Wagging dog tales tell the story.

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...