Thursday, 3 January 2019

How many?

How many books can I read in a year.
I was reading a post on a forum where someone is aiming to read 10 books in 2019.
I will start listing all the books I read this year.
The first book is The Murder of Patience Brooks b J C Briggs, I've just finished it.
It's set in Victorian England, I found it a well written murder mystery with Charles Dickens as part of the investigating team.

Next I'm reading Death at Hungerford Stairs, the second in the series.


lynda said...

I think I read 10 in a month! Sadly, I can't find what I want at the library and resort to Amazon or re-reading books I haven't read in ages!

Margie from Toronto said...

I'm with Lynda, I probably read 10 per month - and this year I am determined to list them all so that I know for certain!

We have an excellent library system here in Toronto so I have being taking advantage of all they offer along with trying to read down the huge pile that I've managed to accumulate over the past couple of years!

Enjoy your book.

Anonymous said...

I had to chuckle at a goal of reading 10 books in a whole year. If they only plan to read 10 books in a year, they aren't what I'd call a reader.

Joan (Devon) said...

If the book is a good one I can read it in 2-3 days and I can't read one book straight after another as I like to savour the book I've just read. At the moment I'm reading Eleanor Olliphant is Completely Fine, due to recommendations on the blogs. Ten books a year is not even one a month.

Anonymous said...


Have you ever considered setting yourself the Goodreads Challenge. A website linked to amazon. You can list books you have read, want to read etc.

I set myself a challenge of 60 last year and did 67 but sometimes found that because I didn't wanna be beaten by the challenge that I was reading when I wasn't quite in the mood. Also to I do still work nd have health issues so I know I shouldn't be hard on myself but nevertheless, I have set the lowly challenge of 12 so that anything above is a Brucie Bonus. Already read 2 and halfway through a 3rd. I'm so envious of you being able to do 1 a day but not if you're having trouble sleeping. I find I don't wanna sleep if the story is good haha.

Great threads as always


Sue in Suffolk said...

108 read here in 2018 according to my list

TrishWish said...

I am another reading nearly 10 books a month person too!

Sue said...

I have months when I read a lot and other months very little, so usually probably 25 books a year. I alternate with Netflix which I watch when I'm needle-felting. Needle-felting while reading would be very dangerous!

kate steeper said...

Is the reading of murders constantly a subliminal way of us telling our partners how annoying they

Unknown said...

Love reading just found the rivers of london series by Ben Aaronovich if anyone is interested its billed as "if Harry Potter grew up and joined the met" (police) I'm really enjoying it so far there is a whole series

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