Wednesday, 2 January 2019

The Atrocity Archives

I've just finished reading the Atrocity Archives by Charles Stross. The first book in the Laundry Files series.

My son recommended the books to me as I'd enjoyed the Harry Dresden books.

Charles Stross is an English author and he seems to have written quite a few books, goody.

 I mainly read kindle unlimited as I can easily read a book a day, especially when I'm not sleeping well. 

I receive Amazon vouchers occasionally and usually spend these on books for my kindle but last time I received a voucher CHS needed new slippers.

Next time a voucher arrives I will either buy the 2nd Laundry Files book or the 4th in the Shardlake series.


Chris said...

When I saw the title of your entry today, I thought, "Oh good, something juicy from Hester!" Still, I will order the book from the library just to see what it's all about.

Theresa Y said...

I'm going to do the same. I have been looking for a new series to devour. Hopefully my library will have it. Thanks Hester.

Linda said...

You probably already know this but there are a lot of free books available to read on your Kindle, and some libraries lend electronic copies.

I’ve been reading through your archives and think you are doing a great job looking after, and being patient with, CHS. My husband has cancer and is well at the moment, but looking after him through chemo can be a challenge for both of us!

Filling the freezer.

It's been a difficult week for Steve, he's had to get up by 9:30 every day, instead of 11 o'clock. He's taking his blood pre...