Saturday, 4 July 2020

Sore paw

Poor Beano has a sore paw, I can't find any serious damage but it is a bit red.

He is limping a little bit but only occasionally.

Unfortunately he makes it worse as every time a dog walks past the boat he races up ready to repel the enemy. 

This is obviously painful and he stands on the back deck with one paw lifted, looking pathetic and waiting for me to lift him down

If it doesn't improve I will take him to the vets.


walking in beauty carmarthenshire said...

ok will do.

flis said...

There isn't a stone or grit between his toes is there or a bite.Any wounds my vet advises me to bathe with salt water x

Hard up Hester said...

I'm not sure Flis, I can't see or feel anything, I'm bathing it and applying some cream.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

Poor Beono, I hope he feels better soon. My Bertie had a small bur from the field trapped between his toes. It had rubbed and made him very sore.

cumbrian said...

Could be a thorn ?

Dc said...

Or a grass seed. They have the tendency to disappear inside the paw very quickly. We often check Ruby when she goes to town on a paw but nothing usually found.

Lyssa Medana said...

Please give him a cuddle from me!

Plodding on.

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