Thursday, 23 July 2020

Goring to Wallingford

Goring was lovely with many old buildings, the only fly in the ointment was a pissed evangelist who insisted on explaining his beliefs to us and trying to convert us!
The moorings, like many on the Thames are very tall, more suited to cruisers than narrow boats so Beano and Loulou had to be lifted on and off the boat numerous times. 

Wallingford is also lovely and as anonymous said, we found everyone very friendly especially the water bailiff who collects the mooring fees. The 14th century bridge is absolutely wonderful.
We moored on the left hand side when we arrived but mid afternoon a boat moved on from the right hand side so we moved across. The bank is a little lower on this side so I am able to get on and off a bit easier with the dogs though I still have to lift them on and off.

We booked a table at one of the pubs, it's ages since we ate out so we were really looking forward to it. Unfortunately after an hour we still hadn't received our food. Eventually after a few enquiries they claimed that the order hadn't been processed. My request for a refund was refused as allegedly if the order hadn't been processed no funds would have been taken from my account. We came home and I checked my bank account and fired off an email to the brewery. I received a reply fairly quickly apologising and saying that the issue would be investigated. I then received a phone call from the pub explaining that our order had been delivered to the wrong table and that my money would be refunded.

We were very disappointed as we'd really been looking forward to a little treat.

We shopped at Waitrose, bought milk and bread so I could make a sandwich for lunch.


Chris said...

What a screwup at the pub. I would have been hopping mad!

flis said...

I wonder if the people at the other table ate it as well as their own order x

Janis said...

Wallingford, such a lovely place. Husband's great great great grandfather was Stephen Wheeler the first lock keeper at Chalmore in 1838. We've been there several times, of course the lock is long since gone, but gets a mention in Three men and a Boat ( for being missing )

justjill said...


mamasmercantile said...

How disappointing.

Allegra said...

Once it's been delivered to the wrong table, you can't very well give it to anyone else to eat it, so I would hope they did eat it.

How annoying that it didn't get to you though. Glad at least you got your refund in the end!

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...