Tuesday, 14 July 2020

I have no shame

Still no Dr's appointment, ring again tomorrow.

I bought four books yesterday, a Rebus book that I seem to have missed, the latest Harry Dresden by Jim Butcher, Daring Greatly by Brene Brown and The Body Keeps Score by Bessel van der Kolk. They should keep me occupied for a couple of days.

Daring Greatly is all about how people's lives are governed by shame, not feeling good enough, slim enough, clever enough. Also how shame encourages one person to be cruel to another. It's an interesting read,  especially as this is how my last line manager operated. Out of a team of eight there 'the chosen one's they were the managers friends. Then there were those aspiring to be chosen, struggling to fit in and following every fad the line manager adopted. Under the guise of Team Building little exercises were set, everybody needs to buy a specific dress to go to the end of term meeting is everybody needs to buy a Pandora bracelet, and similar suggestions. It was like dealing with the mean girls in school and totally unprofessional.


Margie from Toronto said...

Just ordered the new Jim Butcher - how long has it been!!! I'll have to skim through the last book again to remember what was happening - it's been years!

Hard up Hester said...

I pre-ordered it in August 2019.

50 and counting said...

Which Rebus? I love Ian Rankin. If we are ever allowed to travel again, the hubbie wants to go to the Ox Bar for a drink, lol

Hard up Hester said...

Even dogs in the Wild I seem to have missed it.

Chris said...

How awful! Hope you didn't succumb to the peer pressure. I worry about my grandkids (especially my grand daughter who seems most susceptible) suffering like that.

flis said...

I've seen that too in life.I saw a woman who was the wife of a doctor when I was helping during exams invigilating creeping around the exams officer and deputy for some reason and even bringing them little gifts.Don't know why but she was a bit creepy and she seemed keen to try to make it look as though I was scatty and sneakily during an exam smiled at me and passed me pretending to be helpful an exam paper to hand to a student- I checked the code and noticed she had given me the wrong one and so I smiled back and whispered"wrong one" x

Hard up Hester said...

Chris, I found her very unprofessional and I was annoyed but I have no shame so I wasn't hurt by her actions. When she realised I wouldn't try to fit in she upped her game by organising treats such as Pizza for the team and leaving me out. I felt very sorry for being he other team members who were aware of what was going on but too afraid to speak out.

Siebrie said...

The moment a leader tries to organise an us-versus-them spirit in or for the team, I'm out. I like to be all-inclusive and professional, you don't have to think/look alike to be a good team.

It also highlights the importance of 'f*ck-you money': make sure you have enough saved to feel free to think and act independently, and not worry about getting fired for not conforming to (nasty) team standards.

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...