Saturday, 16 January 2021

Today's book

 Stranger Times by C K McDonnell.

Stranger Times is set in Manchester the title is the name of a newspaper that reports on the weird and the wonderful. If you enjoy Rivers of London and The Dresden files you will probably enjoy this.

I do not award stars or write a review of each book, suffice it to say that I no longer struggle to get to the end of a book I'm not enjoying. If I add a book to my blog it's because I've enjoyed it.

I read an assortment of genres including historical, crime and magical reality.


Carruthers said...

I know what you mean. I used to think that finishing a book once you'd started it was character building. No more. Life is too short.

Margie from Toronto said...

I do love The Dresden series so I will have to check and see if my library has this series.

Nelliegrace said...

TK Maxx sometimes has good crayons at reasonable prices. They are shut at present.

Icey said...

Have you read any of the Rachel Morgan series of an alternative society where back in the 60's instead of man landing on the moon the vampires, witches, elves and were's who had been living maongst us in secret came out?
Kim Harrison - there's about 14 books in the series and I re-read them fairly often :)


Last week I went to lunch club and when this week's lunch was arranged I offered to cook the main course. I spent this morning preparing...