Saturday, 16 January 2021

When Steve goes shopping

 I give him a list, on the back is a list of things we don't need because we have lots already but I cannot list everything we don't need.

He always spends an absolute fortune, left to his own devices he would buy a gammon joint every week and junk like pot noodles and crisps. With a list there is stuff I can make a meal out of. He always tries to buy something I like but goes overboard, I still have three jars of olives in the cupboard from when he bought a jar a week.

I've suggested we shop fortnightly rather than weekly in an attempt to spend less money. I will grab milk and bread when we run out.


Carruthers said...

I do the shopping here - online. When you do one shop a week it's really easy to end up getting too much of something! I could have Heinz tomato soup for my lunch every day for a week. I think I've got the hang of it now.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I shop on line and just have a local lady who buys from our local Deli for me for a small charge.

Chris said...

I'm also trying to shop just once a week but usually end up running out of something. This week it was milk but I am just trying to do without. A list is imperative and I try not to deviate from it. Too easy to make the bill mount up!

Jaccs said...

Why don’t you go shopping and leave Steve at home? Then at least you get what you want!
I love your blog, been reading it for a few years now, it’s the highlight of my bedtime reading, I get disappointed when you haven’t written something!!
Stay safe !!

Debby said...

I'd simply do the shopping myself. Tim has no idea of what I need to prepare this, or that. I'm not very good at lists, because I tend to plan my meals around what I find on sale that will go with what I have in the freezer, etc.

mamasmercantile said...

Now that I buy UHT milk and have the breadmaker I do a shop fortnightly. If Gerard were to do the shopping he would come back with a trolley full of chocolate and sweets.

Diary of a Nobody said...

I wondered why you don't go shopping , I dare not send my hubby shopping it would be a disaster list or no list .

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

I'm managing once every 10-14 days at present. But if hubby goes out he brings back junk food.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

I shop every 20-14 days. I have long life milk for emergencies and a freezer which makes life easier. I know you are more restricted on on the boat. So I take my hat off to you that you do so well already.

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...