Tuesday, 5 January 2021

A few cheap meals

I have a vague meal plan in my head, I don't write it down because if Steve saw it he'd immediately decide he didn't want what was on the plan and then food would be wasted.

I've made a pan of spicy turkey soup that will do for lunch for a couple of days.  I have a three rashers of bacon in the fridge that need using up, I shall make a bacon and onion hot pot  with them. I have rather a lot of cheese in the fridge, left over from the Christmas cheese board we were given and rather a lot of eggs so a cheese omelette is on the cards too.

I  put fish pie mix on the shopping list, Steve bought two lots as he didn't think there was enough for two of us in one packet. I expect each pack will make four servings, so we will be eating fish pie every week for a month!


Carruthers said...

I should give more attention to using up leftovers!

My favourite quick meal is fry onion and a few mushrooms, add vegetarian mince, add small (or large) tin of tomatoes. Stir in half a mug of thick bisto gravy. Pour the lot over pasta. Top with grated cheese.

I could live on it.

JanF said...

I think I've written before, if not I have certainly thought it- that you are a truly resourceful woman. Some good meals planned there. You might have to start writing your menu plans in code...
Steve as a shopper makes for some fun stories!

Hard up Hester said...

I'm very hot on using all the food I've paid for.

Jan, Steve and shopping! It could be a blog all on its own!

Rambler said...

When you've planned and prepared a tasty meal and Steve says he doesn't want it, aren't you ever tempted to produce a cheese sandwich for him to eat while watching you eating something infinitely nicer?!!

Hard up Hester said...

I'm used to Steve's food anxiety now so I often cook a nice meal for me and let him have a pot noodle or other crap of his choice.


Last week I went to lunch club and when this week's lunch was arranged I offered to cook the main course. I spent this morning preparing...