Wednesday, 5 January 2022

Webbed feet

 I was very excited this morning as it wasn't raining when I got up but it's due to rain again tomorrow. Beano has sore feet as they are constantly wet, I've tried balm but he licks it off and I've tried doggie shoes and he tears them off. There is nowhere dry to walk him and he will soon have webbed feet I'm sure.

The marina is still struggling with rats, over the weekend many people visited their boats and left food around which made the situation worse.

The stove was sluggish yesterday, it went out overnight and it's always difficult re-light. It picked up eventually and I cooked a beef casserole on the top. It was a huge casserole, we ate half yesterday and froze half for another  day.

Today I did another wash load, little and often as it's difficult to get stuff dry.

Weaver asked on her blog whether people consider themselves a town dweller or country dweller. I was born just outside a small Lincolnshire town, I moved from there to London and then to Bristol. After that I moved to the outskirts of a small town. Despite this I consider myself a country dweller for preference.


Marlane said...

I am going to go over to Weavers blog now

KathyF. said...

I live on the edge of a little Kansas town of 700 or so. My closest neighbors however,are a herd of curious cows and one rather scary bull (that escapes regularly).Legally I think we are in the city limits, but I claim country residency since we don't have city sewer or natural gas services.

Lyssa Medana said...

When we were having problems with rats, peppermint oil was a little helpful. But if there is cover and food, I think you are going to get them regardless.

Poor Beano and his feet. I hope it dries out for you all soon.

Ellen D. said...

I would have given up by now and moved off the boat. It often sounds so unpleasant for you and Beano. I wonder if you would be happier on land. Is that an option for you?

ShellyC said...

If Beano will let you, clip the fur from between his toes. Use micro cloths to dry between his toes as well

flis said...

I was just about to say the same as ShellyC-Only just now I have trimmed one of mines hairy feet-he takes forever to dry and it does help having 3 microfibre cloths between the 4(one of which is just a car cloth from poundland) x

Debby said...

peppermint sachets work for our caravan, and solve the mouse problem. Living on the boat sounds like a pretty unpleasant thing right now. Hope the weather gets better.

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...