Tuesday, 22 February 2022

Still windy.

Still very blustery here, so still no chance of a pump out, the porta potty is now full and Steve has put his back out and can't carry it. I'm now reduced to a bucket and some carrier bags.

We went for a 6k walk in an effort to aid Steve's back, it didn't work.

We spotted some one we know in the lock,  he's single handed so we did the lock for him. It makes me chuckle when I'm hauling on a gate and a chap comes to offer help. I always accept, they lean nonchalantly on the gate, assuming that as I'm short and old the gate must be easy to move. The look on their faces when they realise that they need to use both arms and a lot of strength to move the gate.

We helped the same boater pull his boat past a fallen tree, there was barely room so it was safer to pull it than use the engine.

I'm getting more and more typos in my blog, I need to be more careful as my sight deteriorates.


Lyssa Medana said...

Hugs. It must be tough with the whole black tank business. It would overwhelm me.

It's surprising how often women of a certain age are underestimated. What do they think has been happening all the years? Fluffy kittens and manicures?

Sending all good vibes.

Chris said...

Hauling on the lock gates must keep you in great shape. Your arm muscles must be pretty trim!

Anonymous said...

We only have a porta potty on our boat. We aim to empty every other day, so it is not too heavy, though it will last us longer if necessary. If we have visitors to stay, we empty every day. If it is necessary to walk to the sani station, we can put the toilet base on our trolley. We may also use the trolley for bags of coal or a cylinder of gas. You could also use one for luggage or bags of shopping. Our trolley folds flat for storage in a locker. Best of luck, Marty (longstanding leisure boater)

Anonymous said...

You have posted before that you have a plan to move ashore at some point ? Please think hard about the way you are having to live now. Especially with your sight deteriorating and your partner becoming less able. Not having access to basics is too much. A concerned anonymous poster who truly has no axe to grind who thinks you deserve better.

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...