Tuesday, 8 February 2022

Sweeping the chimney

The chimney needs sweeping, it should have been done when the stove door was repaired but Steve decided to leave it. Then the stove wouldn't catch so it has to be done. I found that by saying  "I think the chimney needs sweeping" two or three times a day, for a few days, Steve thinks it was his idea and gets it done!

Steve wanted ham, egg and chips yesterday, it's one of his favourite meals. I made leek and potato soup for myself using up the last of the leeks.  I will order more with my next shop, I'll chop them and freeze them for next time I want soup. 

I will empty out a cupboard today,  it's getting to the stage where stuff falls out every time we open the door. It's the treats cupboard. It's full of crisps that Steve no longer likes and most of them have gone soggy. I don't like wasting food but I don't eat crisps, I will have to keep a closer eye on what he's ordering.


Lyssa Medana said...

Crisps don't get a chance to get soggy here.

Have you tried the reverse psychology - 'Are you sure that the chimney needs sweeping?'

I've seen people referring to crisps being used as a topping to casseroles, but I don't fancy that myself.

JanF said...

Adding to what Lyssa said- I would try crushing them and throwing them in soup or a casserole. I do not throw food out unless it's gone off!

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...