Tuesday, 27 December 2022

That's it for another year

DS1 and his GF have just left, it was lovely to see them both, it's easier for people to visit now we are on dry land.

We showed them round our new home, which took about 5 minutes. Then we had lunch, I'd bought some nibbles which were all eaten. I can't do a cooked meal easily as we don't yet have a table. They bought me a bunch of roses which are currently sat in my spare kettle as I don't seem to have a vase. I must buy one next time I'm out.

Steve seems to be sulking yet again I have no idea why and zero interest in discovering the reason.


My Piece of Earth said...

So nice you were able to entertain family in your new abode.

Wishing you all the very best for 2023.


Ellen D. said...

Sounds like you are enjoying being on dry land too. Glad you had family to visit and hope your New Year will be filled with good health and peace.

Anonymous said...

My wish for you is a peaceful, calm life in your new place!
So lovely your family visited and even brought flowers!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Hope you are very happy in your new home. I also hope Beano settles and enjoys his walks in the Spring. Take care. Love Andie xxx

flis said...

I am happy you are settled and things are easier - In my case the more I try to help someone with what is going on in their troubled mind -the more anger is unraveled within them -I am then left exhausted - I have to remind myself that I am not Doctor x

Marlane said...

Good for you !!

Chris said...

Things seem to be on the up=and-up for you Hester. That sounds like a lovely visit!

chinadogs said...

This is a sensitive question and you may not want to answer it, that's understandable. In the past you've mentioned how Steve's personality changed after his stroke and you also linked to an article about a woman discussing her husband's changes after his brain injury (or stroke, I can't remember which it was). The woman described how her husband was very selfish, argumentative and normal 'give and take' behaviour went out of the window.

Can I ask if Steve is aware that at times he is being difficult to live with and is OK behaving in this way? or has he no comprehension at all that he is being unkind?

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...