Thursday 18 April 2024

Beano goes to the vet.

My neighbour Harry very kindly gave Beano and I a lift to the vets  this morning.

Beano's dew claws were very overgrown. Time was I'd have clipped them myself but I can no longer see to do them.

I can't say I was looking forward to the bill, I spent about £1000 on Beano when he had viral gastroenteritis.

Beano was booked in with one of the nurses but ended up seeing the vet as the nurse didn't feel able to proceed without help. I explained that I was happy for him to be muzzled even though I thought it was unlikely he'd bite.

Beano was offered antibiotics as he bled when the claws were clipped but I explained that he wouldn't take them.

To my absolute amazement there was no charge. Usually the vet seems to charge for breathing the air in the waiting room.

There have been mutterings in the media about the large vet groups basically price fixing. Obviously the vets have taken heed.

His dew claws have been trimmed and he seems a lot more comfortable now.


Haven't got one. said...

A blood vessel runs down all claws, dog or cat. When claws are trimmed only the tip part where there is no blood vessel should be trimmed. If Beano bled, then surely it means that the claws were cut too far back? Poor Beano. Has it happened before?

Hard up Hester said...

It happens every time Jean, it's because his claws were left untrimmed for the first years of life.

Ruta M. said...

That was a bonus getting Beano's claws done for free. I once took one of my cats to the vet as her dew claw had grown round into the skin without me noticing. The vet clipped all her claws and only charged me £11. A very pleasant surprise.

Jaccs said...

Glad you got Beanos claws clipped for free!!

Sue said...

Suky's getting her nails clipped at the vets today, even the groomers can't manage to do them all now, they usually manage whichever two or three are the longest. Her feet are that sensitive she wriggles like a thing possessed and even two people can't hold her still for a third to clip them. The last time she had them all trimmed really well it was while she was under anaesthetic for an operation.

I'm glad Beano is feeling more comfortable now.

lindsey said...

I love that you didn’t let a huge bill last time put you off taking Beano back to the vet when he needed it. So many people would let the price then put them off. I imagine that it may be due to their circumstances. Prices all round have risen so much including dog food! I would never judge others and have gone back to my recipe books myself 🙂 It is quite fun to try out new recipes. They don’t always work but that may be my cooking, of course! Luckily, my DH will eat almost anything.

Lynda said...

My horse vet told me that big corporations here are buying up the vet practices so they can fix and raise prices. And have protocols in place to ensure they get you back in frequently by only doing one procedure at a time. They also pay the vets a good salary with pensions and healthcare( US) and other attractive benefits, such as standard hours, etc…

Happiness hoover.

Yes I know it's plastic tat, as are most Christmas decorations. I won't see any Christmas decorations lit up as I don't walk aft...