Tuesday, 23 April 2024

Not a good day!

I had to admit to Steve that I'm struggling with my eyesight and my hearing. He is extremely annoyed though I'm not sure what he expects me to do about it!

He was out this morning, he  ordered some stuff from B&Q, he got what he ordered but it wasn't what he wanted. So off he went with Harry to swap it out for what he did want.

I didn't go to the summer house this afternoon, there seems little point if I can't hear what people are saying and I can no longer see well enough to lip read.

Roll on Thursday hopefully my hearing aids can be sorted.


Col said...

I wonder why Steve feels he has the right to be angry about your sight and hearing fading? He did, after all, have the stroke which changed both of your lives forever!
I know the stroke wasn't his fault, but your sight and hearing loss aren't your fault either!
Maybe he needs this pointed out in the strongest terms possible, and maybe not by you, but one of your daughters perhaps?
Take care,
Col X

Anonymous said...

Steve is extremely annoyed that you are struggling with your eyesight and hearing. What a lovely caring man he is...NOT!!!

Siebrie said...

Maybe go to the summerhouse anyway, just to be among people and make them aware?

Ellen D. said...

So sorry for your troubles. I wish you had family to help you more.

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...