Tuesday 29 October 2013

Hair loss

My hair loss seems to be continuing apace, it's not coming out in clumps so I don't have bald patches, just thinning hair. I keep digging my nails into my scalp when I scratch my head as I'm used to having a thick mop of hair. I now have a thin little rats tail of a pony tail and when I get up in the morning my hair stands up in all directions like I've been electrified.
If it carries on I shall ask for a wig for my birthday, something multi coloured and funky.


Smith said...

About 2 months after my son was born, my hair started falling out. I could literally just run my fingers through it and handfuls would fall out! I got so depressed with it and at one point I was convinced I was really ill.

mazda502001 said...

Mine too is exactly the same and I keep wondering if it’s to do with the meds I take. If you have any answers to help with it, it would be appreciated lol....

Lunch out

Betty and I went shopping today, I didn't buy anything but I was happy to wander around the shops with her. Betty was buying gifts for a...