Sunday, 27 December 2015


Thank you to all those who have commented on my posts, I have now had an answer to why my local shops have 'Seattle's best Coffee' signs out side, so thank you to Ana and Lilly's Mum for the information.

Also an anonymous commenter asked what my L&M stood for, so for anyone who doesn't know it stands for my Lord and Master. This is a bit of a joke as everyone who knows us knows I wear the trousers in our relationship.

3 comments: said...

Having followed your blog for several weeks, I can strongly claim that you are a very thorough blogger who respond to others and heed to their thoughts. I'd like to express my appreciative mood to you!)

Cheryl said...

I like to tell my dh that someone needs to be in charge and that someone is me. If I called him my L and M, it might go to his head. Cheryl

Unknown said...

I so love coffee and I am glad that you have shared your own inputs about it. I really had a great time reading. Visit my site too. Have a good day ahead of you.

Time slip

It's some years now since Steve had his stroke, in some ways he has recovered but in other ways, not. When he first came round he was wa...