Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Two more get ups

Sadly lacking in the sleep department at the moment, we had to be up at 5 this morning and we were both still awake at 3 am.

Two more get ups for me, I'm sure I can manage, just about.

Hubby is working until Christmas Eve and then has a 10 days off, he hates Christmas and would rather be working.

I've finished my Christmas shopping, such as it is, I have bought hubby a rose called 'Mum in a Million' I will buy a wooden tub to put it in and am organising a plaque with his Mum's name on it.

Family  problems have reared their ugly head again, FIL is metaphorically cycling round the family, alternately falling out and making up with them again.

We are currently in favour, so we are bearing the brunt of the telephone calls and other communications.

The black sheep BIL is threatening FIL and legal action is being taken over this.


jill said...

The rose as a living memorial to your MIL is a perfect, very touching gift.

janipi said...

This is a lovely idea. Roses look and smell wonderful.

Filling the freezer.

It's been a difficult week for Steve, he's had to get up by 9:30 every day, instead of 11 o'clock. He's taking his blood pre...