Thursday, 31 December 2015


Not the singer, but something I always make after Christmas as a way of using up the last of the sausage meat.

Mix together equal quantities of raw mince and raw sausage meat, if you want to stretch it further add some made up packet stuffing. 
Add a generous squirt of ketchup and some mixed herbs if not adding stuffing.
Mix it all together thoroughly.
Mould into a loaf shape or put it in a loaf tin lined with baking parchment.
cook about 180 for about 40 mins to an hour depending on the size.
This is nice with mash, cabbage and gravy and can also be sliced and used as a sandwich filling.


Sheila said...

I love meatloaf but don't make it often enough. Now you have made me want some so I shall be putting sausagemeat on my next shopping list.
Happy New Year-x-

Poppypatchwork said...

Ummmm sounds good, but not cabbage, I hate it, mum boiled all the life out of cabbage and I can't stand it now.

Anonymous said...

Hester, believe it or not, I was doing my meal plan yesterday and decided that I hadn't made a meat loaf in ages. I bought fresh mince today, I also add sausage meat and S/O stuffing with tomato ketchup, and we are having that tomorrow with mash and peas.

Wise minds think alike

Happy new year to you and poor Mr. Grumpy, I hope he starts to pick up soon. Believe me I know what it is like. Himself is not well, I think his heart failue is getting worse, but he won't make an appointment with the GP, and if I mention it I am shouted at.

Marie xx

Filling the freezer.

It's been a difficult week for Steve, he's had to get up by 9:30 every day, instead of 11 o'clock. He's taking his blood pre...