Thursday, 3 December 2015

Always look on the bright side of life!

I have had my damaged tyre replaced, the manager remembered who I was without me saying anything and applied my son's discount to the tyre, a saving of £20.

I had the money to pay for the tyre so it has been an inconvenience, not the crisis it was when this sort of thing happened  a few years back when hubby and I were really struggling. 

Having fussy visitors due has concentrated my mind on getting the house tidy (I frequently suffer from CHAOS too Lyssa).

There have been some complaints lately at work about certain problems with my work. I have explained that the causes of the problems are twofold. One problem is caused by poor quality and distortions within original designs, these are then being magnified by the machine lenses. The other problem is caused by staff refusing to follow instructions regarding the use of the machine.

My explanations were ignored, other people were tasked with producing the same work on the same machine but of improved quality. This has not proved possible I am already doing the best I can within the capabilities of the machines.

Today an outside expert was called in, he repeated exactly what I had said. The staff need to use the machines correctly and I need to be provided with better quality designs if an improvement of finished quality is required.


Everyday life at Number 38 said...

Head and Brick Wall always spring to mind when you talk about your work Hester. It's nice to be remembered, especially when it results in a financial discount. xx

Sheila said...

So glad the 'expert' gave you the back up needed.

Kim @ Him, Him Me said...

You really are being put through it at the moment, aren't you Hester? I really do feel for you and LM. With regards to work, why is it that the people who actually deal with the machines daily are the last ones listened to. We have the same problem at my workplace, resulting in an engineer being called out at a cost of several hundred pounds an hour, to tell management what we had been telling them all along, but what do we know, we're only the mugs that use it all day every day?

Filling the freezer.

It's been a difficult week for Steve, he's had to get up by 9:30 every day, instead of 11 o'clock. He's taking his blood pre...