Monday, 16 October 2017

Are you lonesome tonight.

I think my only real concern about retirement is that I will become lonely and isolated.
I don't know many people on the Marina and there are very few women here anyway.
CHS will, I know, come home each evening, rant about work until the evening meal is ready, he will then fall asleep in the chair until it is time for bed.
I'm struggling to find any clubs or activities to join in with that a are within my budget.
Time will tell.


Anonymous said...

i think you will be fine...great in fact xx you have your kids/grandkids/crafting such as crochet/your fledgling business...could you do a thread or ask about on mse for ideas what folk do ? i have heared people say they dont know how they fitted work in

all the best tessa

Moira said...

It takes time to a just but you will be fine.

Heather said...


Witch Hazel said...

Have a look at the U3A (University of the Third Age) website, there will be one which covers your area. The offerings asre different for each area, and you can join different areas. I'm amazed at the activities that are available to choose from.

This is a link to the umbrella group website

Bextow said...

Is there a local library as ours does lots of interesting clubs for free, stich & b*tch type things etc

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

I'm sure you'll be fine. A year has past since I retired and it's gone in the blink of an eye.

galant said...

No, you will not become lonely and isolated. You have CHS at the helm, and you have lots to keep you occupied, I'm sure. Just see how it goes, Hester. I'm sure you will be surprised at how you enjoy it and will be able to relax more rather than always chasing your tail.
Margaret P

justjill said...

Join something. I love retirement. The DP and I have shared and different interests so in the evening we have something to talk about.

Nanny Anny said...

Just really echoing the others but yes, soon you will be wondering how you ever had time to go to work. lol. Cheers, Nanny Anny in Canada.

kate steeper said...

WEA in the area ?, courses and talks on all manner of strange stuff. Might help keep the brain alive

Anonymous said...

Hi Hester, I retired last March and spent most of the summer decluttering and decorating. I know you are on top of all those jobs too. In September I joint a book club that meets once a month but is active online as well. I've also been volunteering at a charity daycare centre gardening for a couple of hours each week. I'm looking for other low cost activities for the winter and will be joining a walking group soon that only costs car parking because my weight has crept up a little and I don't want to be stuck indoors. I have to say so far I'm enjoying my free time and look forward to seeing others in the evening but don't feel at all bored or guilty about spending my time how I like during the day. I'm sure you will find a routine that suits you and some enjoyable things to do.

Bonnie said...

I can't imagine you being lonely for long hun 😊
I bet you're counting down the hours now ! 😚

Debdor said...

What about volunteering? Either in a shop, or a friend of mine reads to a blind lady once a week...

Theresa Y said...

I agree with debdor. That's the first thing that popped in my head. Volunteering is a wonderful way to meet new people.

Anonymous said...

Good luck tomorrow!

Filling the freezer.

It's been a difficult week for Steve, he's had to get up by 9:30 every day, instead of 11 o'clock. He's taking his blood pre...