Sunday, 1 October 2017

Busy weekend

I have tried to photograph the cats but they either ran away or headbutt my phone so I gave up.

Saturday morning I went to get two new tyres for my car, ouch, £211, ouch ouch.

Whilst they were being fitted I walked to Ds's house to feed the cats then walked back to collect my car. I then filled the car with petrol and stopped at the bakers to buy some soft rolls for lunch.

I returned home and cleaned the boat then we went shopping to restock the fridge and freezer. I spend twice as much when CHS comes with me but he always pays the bill so it doesn't matter.

At 5 I returned to Ds's to feed the cats for the final time. From there I went to dd2's and babysat, I refereed the children for a couple of hours until they went to bed I was there until midnight. While I was there dd1 phoned to ask if I could babysit for her at lunch time today.

Despite not getting to bed until 1ish  I was up before 7, we wanted to watch the Malaysian Grand Prix.

At 10:30 I set off for dd1's where I wrangled children until 2:30. I returned home and cooked Sunday lunch but with lamb steaks instead of a joint.  Dd1's OH had made a delicious chocolate cake (he is a chef) he gave me a couple of slices to bring home, we had it for pudding.

I'm now sitting in front on my stove and I'll go to bed early tonight.


TrishWish said...

That sound like a lovely day for granny! I bet it is cosy; sitting by a stove in the boat. We are building up a blaze to keep out the drafts this evening as the wind picks up.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

A busy but enjoyable weekend by the sound of things.

justjill said...

Quite happy most of the time I am not a nearby Gran! Well done you. Hope it is appreciated.

The Weaver of Grass said...

My grandchildren are way past baby sitting age thank goodness - and were always too far away anyway. The two little boys next door come round to see me every day since the farmer died - they are three and seven - and half an hour of their company (I love them coming) and I am ready for bed.

Chris said...

I hope the chocolate cake was sufficient inducement for you to agree to babysit on another occasion. It would take more for me, I won't go unless I get dinner! Luckily I only have one set of grandkids.

Anonymous said...

"two new tyres for my car, ouch, £211, ouch ouch"

Ouch doesn't do it! That's REALLY scary. What sort of car?

Filling the freezer.

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