Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Stunned and amazed

I was stunned and amazed by the send off I received upon my retirement.

I was asked if I'd like to go out for a meal and almost 20 people turned up.

I was given so many gifts, one of which was large plant this has been re-gifted to DD and now stands in her garden.

I was also given gifts from the kitchen staff and the cleaners, people I didn't do copying for.


Lanniesmum said...

How lovely-you must feel very proud. Enjoy your retirement and all the new opportunities that will come your way. Catriona

Anonymous said...

lovely to hear

tessa xx

galant said...

Many, many, many congratulations on your retirement - what a lovely party you must've had, and lots of lovely presents. You will now have to find somewhere to put them on the boaty!
Margaret P

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

I'm so pleased you were rewarded. I'm sure you are going to looooovvvve retirement. Tx

sweet blondie blue eyes said...

and you deserved every one, having put up with so much aggro from the staff.

I hope you have a really long and happy retirement.

justjill said...

Well liked lady, how heartwarming. Well done. I like you too.

markdebby said...

Delighted you got a great send of. Many years of happy retirement. Bet you would not now dream of going to work.

Hard up Hester said...

Thank you, I still feel as though I should be working but I am relieved not to be.
I was surprised by the send off I got, I assumed I'd just bugger of on my last day and that would be that.

Sals View said...

Recognition for all your hard work at last. I'm sure you will be greatly missed. Enjoy your new found freedom.

Rambler said...

You see? Even though you were taken for granted by some people, others realised that you were a kind, considerate and thoroughly nice person to have around.
I'm glad that you were able to enjoy their company and know that you were well-thought-of on your retirement celebration.
Enjoy retirement - it's FAB!!!!
- Rosemary xx (also happily retired)

Linda Metcalf said...

I think you will be missed and that you are well thought of...

Witch Hazel said...

That's lovely!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Rambler. You’ll love retirement! I’m years away myself, but I hear good things! (Wish I were!)

janipi said...

You will be missed in the workplace but this is now your time. Enjoy. Every day you will be your own boss and able to choose what you do. Lots of new adventures I hope :)

Filling the freezer.

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