Friday, 6 October 2017

Epic fail

As my friend Sybil would say.
Today started well albeit very early.
I made porridge at 5am for CHS and I to take to work.

CHS also had ham sandwiches and I had prawn salad left over from last night.
We arrived at work at 6:30, CHS started to unlock the building I went to my room to start work.

At about 8am I decided I would eat my porridge, I took it to the Staffroom and put it in the microwave, I then went to the toilet.

I returned to the Staffroom just as the microwave pinged.
I took out my tub of porridge, lifted the lid and there in the tub was some very well cooked prawn salad!


galant said...

Oh dear, this is worse than when I knocked a packet of cornflower out of the larder all over the other shelves and the floor. Cornflower is a right so-and-so to sweep up, and wipe up. But over-done prawns, that's a whole level higher in miniature disasters, chuck!
Margaret P

The Weaver of Grass said...

I had a good laugh at this Hester.

justjill said...

There is no hope for you. Hilarious. How was the cold porridge?

Margie from Toronto said...

Sorry - but I'm laughing too! I think it's because we've all done something like that at one time or another.

Chris said...

Been there, done that! So funny!!

Winters End Rambler said...

How delightfully yummy I'm sure! x

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

I have done similar so many times, my batch cooking was lucky dip! I now label everything.

Filling the freezer.

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