Friday, 13 October 2017

It's the final countdown.

One more week before I retire and it's a four day week at that.

It hasn't sunk in yet and probably won't for a few weeks as it will just be like a normal school holiday.

Even though I gave around 4 months notice my job was only advertised on Tuesday and the closing date is next Tuesday.

Two boats to clean next week, it will be easier not having to fit them in around work.


Living Alone in Your 60's said...

I have been retired for just over a year and it's flown by.

Dc said...

You will feel so much better, less stressed and far happier. It took me years to get used to it.

Lanniesmum said...

I've been out of paid employement for 10 years now-DH keeps hoping I might actually retire!! Catriona

Sharon said...

How exciting! My job was the same way too - I quit, told them well in advance and they hadn't got anybody sorted when I left. Luckily I was going away for seven weeks (leaving the day after I was done) so they couldn't even ask for me to stay lol. Enjoy the beginning of your retirement!

Col said...

I've been a 'lady of leisure' for just over six years now, and taking early retirement was the best move I ever made!
The first few weeks just felt like a holiday, and I woke at 6-15 a.m. as normal for a few months, but soon settled into my new life!

I'd worked for the same employer for all my working life, first as a Saturday assistant/holiday staff while still at school and Uni, then full time until I retired, and it felt very odd not being a part of the organisation any longer! No matter what had happened in my life since the age of sixteen, the one constant was 'the firm'. Whether it was going away to Uni, losing my grandparents, meeting my husband, having a child, losing my parents, the one thing that never changed was my job! I think it had become something of a comfort blanket, and although I was starting to get fed up with it all, it was still a shock when it was gone. I had a few days when tears weren't far away, I didn't regret retiring, but missed the 'security blanket'.

So, don't expect to love everything about your new life from the first moment, but love it you will, especially on the cold, dark mornings which are almost upon us!

Filling the freezer.

It's been a difficult week for Steve, he's had to get up by 9:30 every day, instead of 11 o'clock. He's taking his blood pre...