Friday, 3 November 2017

Helping out

Wednesday and Thursday we helped out DD2, she was offered two extra days work but needed childcare to manage it. We had 3yo dgd both days and collected the other 2 from school.

This morning it was DD1's turn, she needed a lift to the vets as her hubby had their car.

We decided to go away for the weekend as CHS has until Monday off, there is of course no need to pack when we go away, we simply sail away.

We came across the local fuel boat on our travels so we stocked up on coal and diesel, it much cheaper than buying from the local marinas.

It's now 6:30, we've just eaten a casserole that I cooked on top of our squirrel stove and the boat is toasty warm.

I shall crochet for a few hours and then go to bed and read, I'm reading Murder on the Oxford Canal by Faith Martin.

I'm hoping by next week to start adding more photos to my blog, I'm currently using my kindle fire and it won't let me load pics.

I should be back on my laptop next week and then I will be able to add pics.


Sue in Suffolk said...

Been on the Oxford canal - saw no murders! Although after a dry summer and a bank holiday there was really low water and we had to creep along at 1mph

lynda said...

Not a good book to read on the canal!!
Have a great weekend of travel!

markdebby said...

I'm so jealous!!!! Do you have to pay to park up this weekend?

Chris said...

Such fun to take your home with you when you go on holiday! Rather like having a camper van but with better scenery. Where did you go?

justjill said...

Cool. Get the photos coming.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

Looking forward to the photos. It must be lovely being able to move your home around.

janipi said...

No packing and waking up to a different view. Lovely. My favourite boat book is Ramlin Rose. By Sheila Stewart. No murders but a vivid description of going along the Oxford Canal and others. Looking forward to seeing photos.

galant said...

Squirrel stove? I'd knew you could cook with gas, electricity, solid fuel, oil. Calor gas, but never have I heard of cooking with a squirrel! Perhaps if I caught the blighters that thieved all the nuts from our walnut tree, I could do the same and save on our gas bill?
Seriously, love the sound of this stove! But why is it called thus?
Margaret P

Hard up Hester said...

We had no problems on the Oxford canal but had loads on the Ashby, beautiful but very shallow.

We don't pay to moor if we can help it though some places do charge, we have to pay on the Thames, usually £10 per night.

I have no idea why the stove is called a Squirrel, it's made by Morso and there is a Squirrel embossed on the side.

Fishcake_random said...

I misread that as squirrel casserole for a moment there lol.

Fishcake_random said...

I misread that as squirrel casserole for a moment there lol.

Icey said...

How does it work if you go away for the weekend - when you get back is it a free for all to get a mooring spot or do you have a designated parking place so to speak?
Bit of a random question but I'm fascinated :) xx

Hard up Hester said...

We have a designated space so there is no mad scrabble for a space.

Filling the freezer.

It's been a difficult week for Steve, he's had to get up by 9:30 every day, instead of 11 o'clock. He's taking his blood pre...